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Operating During the COVID-19         

Updated: December 2020


As the COVID-19 concerns continue, Winwood would like to continue taking all the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the virus.



  • Where possible everyone should maintain a distance of 2 meters apart from each other. This includes lunch rooms.

  • Avoid working less than 2 meters apart for long periods of time. If that is not possible, appropriate face masks are to be worn.

  • Reduce in person meetings and gatherings and hold site meetings in open spaces or outside

  • All common areas and surfaces should be cleaned regularly

  • Anyone with COVID-19 like symptoms such as a sore throat, fever, sneezing, or coughing must self-isolate at home for 14 days

    • Anyone who has had symptoms of Covid-19 in the last 10 days must self-isolate at home.

    • Anyone under the direction of the provincial health officer to self-isolate must follow those instructions

    • Anyone who has arrived from outside of Canada must self-isolate for 14 days and monitor for symptoms

  • Anyone identifying that they have potentially been exposed to the virus or exhibit symptoms of the virus are not to return to work until they have been given medical clearance.

  • Should you feel ill while at work, notify your on-site Foreman and remove yourself from work. Avoid leaving by public transit and have someone within your bubble take you home.

  • Wash and clean your hands regularly

  • Follow the procedures from the suppliers on deliveries and pick up orders

  • Communicate with the Winwood office by phone, text or email, avoid visiting the office in person

  • Reduce tool sharing as much as possible

  • Follow the procedures from the General Contractor to keep sites safe for all trades and visitors

Detailed Winwood Work Safe COVID-19 Plan
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#13 3070 Norland Ave

Burnaby BC, Canada

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